Planning for kids
As a mom, I understand the need to plan for all different circumstances. I also know, that as parents, we don't always have the answers to how best to care for our kids. As an Attorney, I know that most parents do not know where to start for planning for their kids. I've worked with hundreds of grieving families whose deceased loved one did not have a plan in place. The most devastating of these cases revolved around the placement of children when the parents failed to name a legal guardian.
My MISSION as a Mom and as an Attorney is to make sure that YOU, the PARENT, have these important documents in place . . . even if you've never met with an attorney, and even if you do not currently have important estate planning documents.
As part of my MISSION, I am offering you a FREE & LEGAL way to put Legal Guardianship into place for your family through a program known as the Kids Protection Plan®.
Get it DONE right HERE! I'll be there for you when you are ready to take that next STEP!

Statistically, almost 70% of adults in the U.S. do not have an estate plan in place. Did you know that an estate plan is the most common way to name a legal guardian? But you can name Legal Guardians outside of these documents as well. Having no plan in place is NO EXCUSE for not making sure your minor child is cared for. Ask yourself these questions:
1. Do I want my Child or my surviving adult family members to feel CONFUSED about my Child's future home, education, finances, mental & physical well-being?
2. Do I want my Child surrounded by CONFLICT as family members argue over who my child should be placed with on a longterm basis?
3. Do I trust the COURT to make the right decision for MY Child based on a limited set of circumstances?
Discover + Design
Kids Protection Plan® allows you to discover WHO you want to be there for YOU and YOUR CHILD should tragedy strike!
= Empowerment
Design Legal Guardianship that works for you RIGHT NOW, and on your own! It's more important to have a PLAN IN PLACE than no plan at all. The Kids Protection Plan® is free, legal, and there are no strings attached!

You will feel RELIEVED knowing your KIDS will be taken care of by the people you want in their life!
You've taken an important first step to EMPOWERING YOURSELF through Legal Life Planning. Planning is a way to say "I LOVE YOU" & "YOU ARE WORTH IT."

Nara, The Legacy Designer
Want to know more about my professional experience? I'm licensed in NYS & MA, but have consulted with families all over the U.S. to help them deal with the aftermath of losing a loved one.